Tips to Stay Healthy This Winter

January 28, 2016 Frugaa Blog


Oh, glorious winter! It’s the time of year to enjoy crisp walks through the park, magnificent sunsets against a snowy sky and cuddling up indoors by the fireplace. Outdoor activities—skiing, sledding even making snow angels beckon. Whether you live on one of the coasts, near the mountains or in a bustling city, there’s plenty to enjoy while you’re singing, “Baby It’s Cold Outside.” To enjoy every moment of this winter, you’ll want to stay healthy!

Winter doesn’t have to be a time of sniffles and sneezing, colds and flu. With a few simple precautions, you can take a pre-emptive strike against getting sick. Staying healthy all year long and especially during the winter season requires following the best tips for staying healthy, like these:

Stay Hydrated, Inside And Out – We’re often told to stay hydrated during the summertime when it’s hot and we’re losing lots of water through perspiration. In the winter, though, it’s just as important to stay hydrated. When the air you breathe is colder, your body has to work harder to warm it up, and that takes energy. When your body is working hard, it’s critical to replenish it by drinking water.

Staying Hydrated In Winter

You know that winter air can dry your skin, so take extra precautions to keep it hydrated, too. Though, it’s easy to forget to put on sunscreen when it’s not sunny, use a moisturizer with an SPF of at least 15. Although you may not be able to see the sun through snow or clouds, its rays are still shining down on you. For extra dry patches like those that occur on your elbows and feet use a heavier cream at night and let it work while you sleep.

Dress In Layers- Even in places like California and Florida which many think of as being sunny all year long during winter, there’s likely to be a difference in temperature between the outdoors and indoors. Dress in layers so that you can adjust according to your environment throughout the day and evening, avoiding extreme changes in body temperature. This includes wearing “long johns” in the coldest regions and simple scarves and hats in warmer climates.

Layered dressing seems expensive after all, you’re wearing more clothes but it actually allows you to keep wearing your basics all year long, with a few extra layers on top. If you layer with style, you won’t end up looking like the Michelin Man. Remember that chic doesn’t have to be expensive, and stores like Old Navy offer sweaters, scarves and hats for everyone in the family at prices that won’t leave you cold.

Take Your Vitamin- To stay healthy during winter, it’s essential to take your vitamins and to a few extra supplements like vitamins C and D. During winter, when there are less fresh fruits and vegetables in season, you’re likely to get less vitamin C naturally; likewise, shorter days mean less vitamin D derived from sunlight.

There’s a spice to add to your healthy shopping list, as well. It’s called turmeric. It has anti-viral and anti-fungal properties, and it boosts immunity. You may notice such a difference in feeling great that the turmeric you start taking this winter becomes a regular part of the supplements you take all year around. You can find turmeric capsules online at Vitamin World.

Connecting With Old Friends

Nurture Friendships- What do friendships have to do with staying healthy? It turns out, a lot. People with strong friendships are less likely to get sick and tend to live longer! Winter is a great time to reconnect with old friends. Many people travel in the summer, but during winter once the holiday rush is over a call from an old friend can feel like the greatest gift of all. Take time this winter to reconnect with friends, in person if possible!

Take Time to Rejuvenate- The days are shorter, and it’s easy to fill up the long evenings by spending time online, either working or on social media. Research has shown that computer use before bedtime interferes with sleep and is related to depression in both men and women. For your good health, take a break from electronic stimulation and take some time to rejuvenate. Cold winter evenings are the perfect time to warm up some tea or hot chocolate and curl up with a good book.

Winter days can sometimes be dreary, but by following these tips you can get through “cold and flu season” in good health. This winter, fill your life with warmth and friendship and enough water and vitamins, to stay healthy in body, mind and spirit.