The Why’s and How’s of Fitness!!

July 8, 2014 Frugaa Blog


Have you ever found yourself guilty when you are gorging on those delightful pizzas and desserts? May you be of any age; does it bother you when you look at yourself in the mirror? It is then most likely that this piece of writing will help you understand the significance of being hale and hearty!

Our bodies are our treasure. We need to look after them, like we look after our small children. An unfit person invites host of diseases and is unable to live life to his fullest. Physical fitness brings with it advantages like feeling better about one self and decreases the chances of being depressed and mentally tired. There also have been studies which have found that sound sleep is a consequence of a fit body. Severe diseases like heart strokes, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol have their cure in good diet and exercise.


There is a preconceived notion that physical fitness is required only when you are young. Some older people believe that they have already lived maximum of their lives, have seen it all and hence there is no requirement of being fit. Some younger people believe that it’s their time to eat to the fullest and enjoy life and they can procrastinate being fit to the time when they would grow older. The notions are many, but the likelihood of them being correct is Zilch! Because fitness is not limited to particular age group or gender. It is a habit that one has to inculcate right from the time one is a child. It is important for parents to understand that they might find their fat children cute, but they are putting their child’s life in jeopardy by encouraging that stoutness. Being fit should not be a periodic exercise. It should be a way of living, it should be ingrained in the personality of an individual, should reflect in the choices one makes.

These days you will find it written everywhere – in almost all magazines and newspapers, we read it, but putting it into practice is a colossal job. What has to be inside one’s psyche is a strong and unwavering will power. You may want to first find out the purpose of you taking up a fitness form. There should be a fitness goal and the choice of the form should be in harmony with that goal. Every exercise you undertake has its own shares of advantages. You may want to go for brisk walking, jogging, swimming, dancing, biking or mountain climbing to enhance your endurance levels. If you are looking for strength out of your workout regimen you may want to opt for weight lifting. Resistance training also helps strengthen the muscles of the body. For bringing in body balance a heel-to-toe walk and Tai-chi are helpful forms. And if you are someone who is tired with a rigid body and are looking out for more flexibility you may want to try forms like Stretches and Yoga. Ensure you pick the one which brings out fun feeling, so that it doesn’t remain merely a task but becomes a way of living.


While you pick up your desired form of exercise, also keep in mind that fitness is not just an outcome of physical activity. What you put inside your stomach plays a major role in how good the results show. When you work out you lose your energy, which has to be replenished in the form of food. But what you eat and the quantity in which you eat is also extremely vital. The food intake of an individual has to be a combination of the vital nutrients, so it is always advisable that emphasis is laid on home-cooked food. If you do not have that option and are someone who always buys ready to make food, ensure you read the contents on the package. Most of the packages these days give out the cholesterol and fat content in the package.

Eat well and right and include at least some kind of physical activity in your life and you would see that you are living happy and content, which I believe most of us look for in life.