EZCosplay Coupons & Promo Codes 2025
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Frugaa > Stores > EZCosplay: 3 Active Coupons Found

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About EZCosplay
EZCosplay was founded in 2009 by two young anime lovers; Vince Wang and his younger sister Stella Wang in Shenzhen, China. EZCosplay started from humble beginnings with just 2 tailors and 2 sewing machines; today they have a factory with 3 designers, over 60 sewing machines, 100 tailors and over 3000 different cosplay costumes listed on their online store EZCosplay.
Here at EZCosplay their goals are simple; top quality cosplay costumes and friendly and efficient customer service. They will never stop striving for these goals, when it comes to quality their thought is only “can we do better”, this means they are constantly developing and testing different materials and adjusting their product base accordingly. When it comes to customer service, they want to be the friendliest company you can find and help their customers whatever the query or problem.
If you’re looking for a cosplay costume EZCosplay is definitely the place you’ve been looking for. EZCosplay is not just a web store, they are also an online cosplay community with half a million Facebook fans, and a blog containing cosplay turorials, cosplayer interviews, reviews and cosplayer showcases. Get discounts on Chrismas, birthday, calendars, invitation, postcards etc. using Brookhollow coupon code, your source for personalized holiday cards and many other business greeting cards.
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