Saving Money on Household Expenses

February 12, 2015 Frugaa Blog


Whether you live on your own or you’ve got your own set of ankle biters to look after, household expenses can quickly add up before you know it. There’s food to buy, toiletries, cleaning supplies, clothing and so on. Not to mention, you’ve also got bills to pay and rent or a mortgage payment.

Household expenses can quickly become very overwhelming, especially if you have a family to take care of. But regardless of your income, there’s things you can do right now to help your family save money on your household expenses.

What’s Your Budget?

The first thing you need to know is figure out exactly how much money you’re earning each month. From here, you can decide how much money you’ll need to spend each month on your mortgage, car payment, food, and so on.

The more you know about what you can realistically expect to spend every month, the better. This will help you decide in what areas you’ll need to improve in. For example, maybe you’re spending more money than you need to on clothing or eating out. Once you know where you can begin improving yourself, then you’ll be able to figure out where you can save.

 Saving Money


Coupons are often overlooked when it comes time to go shopping for some of your most common household expenses. Groceries can quickly add up. Luckily, manufacturers and grocery stores themselves send out plenty of coupons, whether in newspapers or even online.

But coupons aren’t just limited to groceries. Many companies, from clothing retailers and more, will send out coupons as well.

Do your part as a thrifty shopper and feel free to hunt for coupons. That’s what we’re here for at

But saving big on household expenses isn’t just using coupons. There’s plenty more you can do when it comes to stretching your wallet and saving big on your biggest expenses.

Be Informed

And the best thing you can do, in order to save money, is to be informed when you shop.

Pay close attention to special sales and promotions. Often times, retailers will have clearance sales or blow out events, which can help you save big on some of the items you use the most.

And when you’re out and out on a shopping venture? Compare prices. Feel free to hunt through racks or visit the clearance aisle. It doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg to dress or eat well. But it may mean, if your budget’s especially tight, making informed decisions about what to buy.

 Saving Money

Only buy what you’ll know you need. That means being especially careful when buying food. There’s nothing worse than buying $200 worth of groceries, only to throw out about half of them because they went bad before you could use them.

Being Realistic

And when we said it was important to budget? We meant it. Plan out your purchases. Don’t spend what you don’t need. It’s okay to treat yourself once in a while. But where a lot of people run into problems is buying expensive items on a whim. That’s an easy way to drain your wallet and get into debt.

Whenever you go to the store, just be realistic about you’re able to spend.

An easy way to save money, without a lot of effort, is to carry around cash as opposed to always whipping out a debit or credit card. That way, you’ll have an accurate picture of what money you’ve got available to you. And best of all, cash is tangible. When you make purchases with a debit card, it can often be hard to know exactly how much you have available to you.

Making Decisions

When it comes time to save money on basic household decisions, you may find it’s time to make a few difficult decisions.

Perhaps that means reducing the number of times you go out to eat each month. Or maybe instead of going out to the movies every week, you can purchase a Netflix subscription or invest in DVDs. Or if you want to go on vacation, perhaps you can opt for a staycation or visit a locale closer to your home.

Or better yet, you can opt to save up for larger expenses, as opposed to loading it all up on a credit card. Want to go on vacation to a foreign country? Save now.

Saving Starts Now

Saving money may seem daunting but it all starts with a few simple steps. Whether making a budget or hunting for bargains, you can start saving on household expenses today.

And with plenty of coupons here on, it’s easier than ever to save big on your favorite brands for everything you need from month to month.