Interesting Ways to Slash Those Calories

April 8, 2014 Frugaa Blog


Got a fitness freak in you? Obsessed with trying out practically everything that could help you burn that extra fat around the waist? You’re not alone- there are millions, yes, literally millions of people around the world trying their best to shed a few pounds and get back in shape, and if that’s you, look no further- here we’ve put down some of the most interesting ways to help you slash those extra calories. Read on….

Use the Stairs

This is undoubtedly a clever and an effective technique to shed some extra pounds. Instead of getting into the elevator, use the stairs whenever possible- it won’t just burn calories, but will help you feel more active and energetic throughout the day.


Wash your Clothes

Well, this may not exactly sound like an appealing way to slash those extra calories you may have piled up when you gorged on that chocolate cake, but nevertheless, it is extremely effective. The rinsing, squeezing out of water and washing for around 30 minutes is enough to burn a lot of calories.

Practise ‘Mirror Eating’

Mirror eating is an interesting new technique that may help you slash those extra calories- basically, all you have to do is eat in front of a mirror, and look at yourself while you eat- this way, you tend to be more conscious about your body and yourself, and will be less tempted to indulge in fattening foods throughout the day.

Clear the Clutter

Let’s face it- given the hectic lifestyle and never-ending workload, your home, much particularly your room, may be prone to clutter, which doesn’t just affect your performance at work, but is also much likely to make you irritated and cranky (and yes, binge eat too).

Spending a few minutes in the day to clear off the clutter around your room can make you feel more organized and in control, and will also help you burn a good number of calories while you do that!

Shop till you Drop

Okay, before you get out and spend a few grands on buying something that you won’t really need, and then feel guilty and grab a slice of chocolate cake, and then feel more guilty, here’s a quick tip- shop smart.

The idea is to hunt for stuff you really need at a budget price that suits your needs, and walk around a lot in that hunt, which acts as a good stress-relieving workout.

Water it Up!

Yes, you read that right- sticking to water after breakfast and before meals could get you a long way and help you shed a lot of pounds easily! Steer clear of caffeine loaded drinks or soft and fizzy drinks- they pack in a whopping amount of extra calories and don’t let you feel satiated even after the drink!


Watch Less TV

This one may come as a surprise, but to anyone who watches more than two hours of TV a day, it isn’t. Several studies have confirmed the fact how individuals who watch more TV, particularly kids and teens, are more likely to be affected by obesity and eat a lot absentmindedly.

Sniff Sniff

This may sound silly, but researchers have found how sniffing a banana, an apple or peppermint can help you curb unnecessary hunger cravings that you might have throughout the day- best of all, even if you eat any of these, they’ll not really contribute to that extra fat on your tummy.

Ditch the Pack

Here’s something that most of us tend to ignore- packaged and processed foods that we so liberally pick up from supermarket shelves are literally packed with extra calories-everything from corn syrup to a can of tinned fruit is laden with artificial sweetening agents that are practically ruining your efforts to stay in shape. Switch to home-made versions of possibly everything you can get.


Believe it or not, going for a short walk before your dinner can actually cut down extra calories AND your appetite too! Researchers believe that a short 15-20 minute walk can work wonders in reducing appetite and increasing your sensation of ‘fullness’ before dinner.

It is best to stick to simple eating measures to cut calories more effectively- a diet rich in fresh fruits and veggies coupled with light exercise always works best!